Free Resources
Phoenix Academy offers free resources for professionals new to Systemic Family Therapy or experienced professionals wishing to update their knowledge and practice.​

YouTube & FaceBook
Head on over to the Phoenix Academy YouTube Channel to access information and inspiration for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice, and connect with Phoenix on the Facebook to stay up to date with all the latest news, resources and training information from Phoenix Family Therapy Academy.​
Family Therapy and Systemic Practice Free Resources
Integrative Practice
Free Resources

Integrative Practice in Systemic Group Supervision: Growing Competence, Confidence and Adaptability
Conference Presentation

The Systemic Way: Integrative Systemic Practice: A Contemporary Framework with Dr Kate Owen & Dr Leonie White

Systemic Meta-Framework for Integrative Practice:
Clinical and Teaching Tool
Conference Presentation

Systemic Integrative Practice
Meta-Framework: Things to Consider
Self Reflective Activity
Working Safely with Families & Trauma
Free Resource
Safe Place Experiential Exercise
Free Resources
Systemic Family Therapy Supervision
Free Resources

Reflecting Team Supervision:
From the Mirrored Room to the Digital Zoom
Conference Presentation

Integrative Practice in Systemic Group Supervision: Growing Competence, Confidence and Adaptability
Conference Presentation
Collaborative Practice
Free Resources
Dr Leonie White's
Helping Families Thrive Resources
Phoenix Academy Director Leonie is passionate about supporting the community as well as helping professionals and has developed a range of resources to help families thrive that can be used by Professionals as well as accessed directly by members of the community.

Find out more about the cards, how to use them, and access the free downloadable infographic on Dr Leonie White's website.
Please note:
The general public must take full responsibility for their use of all online programs and resources.
Some of the information we provide on our website may be information related to health, but it's not meant to be health "advice". We provide this information for your general use and educational purposes only. While we try to provide accurate information, it may be historical, incomplete information or based on opinions that aren't widely held. Your personal situation has not been considered when providing the information, so any reliance on this information is at your sole risk. While we may be allied health professionals all products (whether free or for purchase) are not psychological health services or instructions for use in clinical practice. We recommend seeking independent professional advice before relying on the information we provide.